Songwriting with Logic Pro Drummer

Do you write songs but but have no drumming experience?

Does the idea of programming drums make your head spin?

Are you prepping demos to give to a producer and you want more than just an acoustic and vocals?

Are prepping to go into the studio but you want to do part writing at the house?

Do you just need a rhythmic spark to get an idea going?

Logics Drummer can be a great SOLUTION for all these problems:

In this tutorial you will learn how to:

  • Choose the right drummer and kit for your song.
  • Tweak individual drum sounds for your kit.
  • Add dynamics and interest to each song section.
  • Go deep on individual drum parts by converting Drummer tracks to MIDI tracks
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Optimize CPU for Logic in 4 Steps

Logic Pro X - 4 Steps to Optimize Your CPU

Tired of getting CPU overloads during productions?

Tired of latency killing the the vibe in tracking sessions?

Follow these steps to avoid these frustrations in future sessions!


Step 1: Outside Applications

Turn off all other programs. Even applications like mail can be a real CPU hog. Try launching activity monitor to see what applications are taking up some of your precious CPU.

Pause any cloud based syncing or wait until its done. Ie Dropbox or Google Drive. Be sure to resume syncing after the session to back up your work! You can monitor your CPU inside Logics custom display.


Step 2: Freeze tracks

Enable the freeze icon in track header components.

Freeze any CPU heavy tracks

This could be CPU intensive virtual instruments (ie string libraries complex synths) or any tracks with lots of FX on them.

You can modify level pan and sends with Frozen tracks but not the plugins themselves. To make changes you can unfreeze, make...

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