Optimize CPU for Logic in 4 Steps

Logic Pro X - 4 Steps to Optimize Your CPU

Tired of getting CPU overloads during productions?

Tired of latency killing the the vibe in tracking sessions?

Follow these steps to avoid these frustrations in future sessions!


Step 1: Outside Applications

Turn off all other programs. Even applications like mail can be a real CPU hog. Try launching activity monitor to see what applications are taking up some of your precious CPU.

Pause any cloud based syncing or wait until its done. Ie Dropbox or Google Drive. Be sure to resume syncing after the session to back up your work! You can monitor your CPU inside Logics custom display.


Step 2: Freeze tracks

Enable the freeze icon in track header components.

Freeze any CPU heavy tracks

This could be CPU intensive virtual instruments (ie string libraries complex synths) or any tracks with lots of FX on them.

You can modify level pan and sends with Frozen tracks but not the plugins themselves. To make changes you can unfreeze, make change and refreeze.



Step 3: Buffer Size and Low Latency

Buffer Size and Low Latency Mode for Live Tracking


For live tracking, try keeping the buffer size as low as possible without dropouts. 128 Is usually a good spot. Also, use the Low latency mode when tracking live instruments as this will help decrease latency even further. Note that some plugins will not work in Low Latency Mode during recording. And some of your sends may need to be changed to low latency safe during recording. For example, while adding a reverb send to a vocalist during recording. You activate this by clicking and holding the send and choosing low latency safe.


Buffer Size For Mixing, Editing, and “In-The-Box” Sequencing

Once things are in post production or if you are just making music with your sequencer, there is no need to have low latency. In this case you can maximize your buffer size to as high as it will go. Keep an eye out on your CPU usage and freeze tracks as needed.



Step 4: Optimize Plugin Usage

Here are a few tips optimize your plugins:

Use sends for most of your delays and reverbs instead of putting a reverb and delay on every channel.

Batch plugin processing. For example, send the outputs of all the guitars to one BUS and EQ the bus only instead of duplicating an EQ for every channel.

Make sure the EQ analyzers are off even when you don’t have the plugin open. They are a CPU HOG.

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