Make an 808 Sub in Logic Pro's Alchemy

logic sound design Dec 02, 2019


This is a quick and easy synth to build yourself and will introduce you to the world of synthesis while giving you a very usable sound. You can use these concepts for other synthesizers besides alchemy.


Step 1 Oscillators

First Set up 4 oscillators 1 sine wav pitched down 2 octaves. This is the main part of your sound. Next, add a triangle wave either on or two octaves pitched down. Next you will add two more sine wavs on pitched down one octave and one left at its original octave. Blend these to tase with the individual volume knobs


Step 2 Filters

Using an high pass filter (HP), cut the lows from triangle wav and the one sine that was pitched down one octave. This will help resolve any potential low end conflicts between the oscillators.



Step 3 Envelope

For maximum punch set a fast attack. Then do a medium decay and medium to long sustain with a relatively short release.


Step 4 Modulation

Using a secondary AHDSR (ie envelope), create...

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