The Simple Truth about Gain Staging

mixing Sep 05, 2020


 This is another less than exciting task but also super important to your mix prep stage: Gain staging. This is when you make sure each audio file is sitting a healthy level. What is healthy? Well there are tons of forums and debates about this... but the main thing is this:

1. Don't let the input come in too hot... ie peaking the meters.

2. Don't let the input be so soft that there is no way to turn it up enough even after jacking up the fader.

A good general level to aim for is -18 to -10 db. But don't stress about it too. much.. not too loud and not too quiet. : ) 

An easy way to meter this is with Pre Fader metering... that will give you the best picture of what the audio file is actually coming in at. 

From there you can use Clip Gain to adjust the level until its sitting in a good place. 

NOTE: Gain control in Logic is a little weird. You can find it the inspector but there is not really anything next to it. So you have to click and drag in the blank space next to the word "gain" in order to turn the level up or down. : ) its weird I know. 

Once you do that you will be ready to move on to a basic balance. 

Don't forget to check out my FREE mix workshop at

Until next time, Go Make Music


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